
Bishop Rotary

Bishop V6

Ref: 1070-BIS-V6

The Bishop V6 rotary is the sixth version of the classic Bishop Rotary, one of the first rotary ever with the first version being introduced in 2008. Having been improved over the past years the Bishop V6 is a reliable and consistent machine! Because of its extreme versatility you can use the V6 for any style of tattooing, effectively doing all kinds of projects such as lines, color mixing, and shading. It’s a super predictable machine and perfect for making the transition from reel to rotary!Using a Faulhauber motor the Bishop V6 machine uses a double stabilizing clip to create the downward force of the needle thus eliminating the need for rubber bands. The double clip keeps the needle steady and eliminates any lateral movement which allows you to achieve those ultra-fine lines.Usage tip: Always depending on the speed and style of your hand our suggestion is to use Bishop V6 between 6.5 and 8 volts for color filling and shading and work with the machine between 7 and 9 volts for lines.


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Bishop V6
Bishop V6